SOLVED: Web Development Project, and 2. A Report.


 BSc (Hons) Business Management

Digital Business

Coursework Assessment Brief - Resit Summer Term 2019

Submission deadline: August 27th 2019 23:59 Submission mode: Turnitin online access

1.     General Assessment Guidance


2.       Your summative assessment for Digital Business is a coursework submission formed of two tasks:

1.  Web Development Project, and 2. A Report.


·        Your summative assessment for this module is made up of two tasks: 1. Web Development Project (70 %), and 2. A report (30%) which in combined form accounts for 100% of the marks.

·        The deadline for submission is 23:59 on 27th August. Please note late submissions will not be marked.

·        You are required to submit all elements of your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.

·         For coursework, the submission word limit is 1200 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 1200 words but not more. Word Count guidelines can be found on your programme home page and the coursework submission page.

·        Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.

·        A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment, and you are required to achieve minimum 40% to pass this module.

·        You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.

You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the VLE. You can use the following link to access this information:

·        BPP University has a strict policy regarding authenticity of assessments. In proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GARs and MOPP which are available on VLE in the Academic registry section.

·        You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet. Any submission without this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not marked.

3.  assesset Brief

 The summative assessment of Digital Business module is formed of two tasks: (1) Web Development Project and (2) Report.

Task I: Web Development Project (70 Marks)

The purpose of web development project is to design, develop and publish a website for a fictional/current business.

Your web development project will be marked based on the alignment between the report and the published website.



Your website should contain at least three pages of content (including the home page) but no more than six pages.

The webpages content should include:


·         at least one form,


·         at least one embedded HTML&CSS component (the code of the embedded HTML&CSS component should be included in the external file, Index.html)

·         sufficient and appropriate textual content that provides information and value. This should reflect the nature of business and its products/services (consider a minimum of 200 words per webpage),

·         at least one web-based tool (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or any other tool created for business) to enhance customer engagement, the customer journey, the user experience and support brand development and products/services,

·         the following disclaimer footnote to every webpage:

This is an academic project website and does not offer the products/services advertised in their current form”.

Task II: Report (30 Marks)

The purpose of report is to document the rationale for your approach to the design and development of your web project.

You are required to produce a report with no more than 1200 words for the web development project task. All the figures/tables in the report must have captions and, wherever needed, properly referenced and mentioned in the report. All other instructions in General Assessment Guidance section should be followed.

Your report should be written according to the following structure:


Table of Contents

1.  Introduction (5 marks)

The introduction, which is expected to be a general overview of your document. A suggestion of no more than 200 words. Include the link to your website in this section.

2.  Business Outline (10 marks)

Provide a clear outline of the business that addresses the following:

·         The name of business and logo.

·         Explain offered product(s)/service(s).

·         Position in marketplace: i.e. who are the main competitors

·         Why does your business need a digital presence?

·         What opportunity, problem, or issue is your website addressing?

3.  Justification of Design (5 marks)

In this section, provide a clear justification of your approach to the design and structure of the website to fit the business needs including the principals of design, colour selection and how you have addressed accessibility issues to address the needs of business and customers.

You also need to discuss how the design of website is reflecting the nature of business.

4.  Improvements of Design (5 marks)

Evaluate the design and development of the website and propose two improvements that enhance or improve the functionality of the website to meet the current/future objectives of the business.


Appendix A: Screenshots of all webpages

Note: The number of screenshots should reflect the number of webpages of the website.

Appendix B: HTML&CSS components

Thoroughly commented code from Index.html must be included as a text (not as screenshot).


Appendix C: Textual contents of webpages

Include the textual contents of webpages with their word counts.


 4.  Marking Guide (Student Version)






Web Development Project (70 Marks)

Effective Navigation

There should not be any broken links and the navigation bar should direct the user to the intended webpage. [5 marks]

For excellent performance, the navigation bar contains the logo of business and consistent throughout the webpages.


















Design and Development

The design of website should reflect the nature of the business and the website should show the name of business on the title area of the website.

The content pages should include:

·         at least one form,  [7 marks]

·         at least one embedded HTML&CSS component (code and styles, written by the student should be included in the external HTML and CSS file, Index.html), [15 marks]

·         at least one analytics tool, [8 marks]

·         sufficient and appropriate textual content that provides information and value, reflecting the nature of your business and its products/services (consider a minimum of 200 words per page), [10 marks]

·         at least one social media tool (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.) which is created for the business to enhance customer engagement, customer journey, user experience, support the brand development and products/services, [6 marks]

·         the following disclaimer footnote to every webpage: [4 marks]

This is an academic project website and does not offer the products/services advertised in their current form”

Excellent performance

Justification of Design approach described in the Report is implemented in the actual website.

The variety of text, graphics, colour scheme and media, explained in the report, are used.


















Customer Engagement

You are required to find and implement one additional web-based tool for customer engagement on top of the required social media tool. [10 marks]

For excellent performance, the website should demonstrate the use of a range of rich content (i.e. video, audio, picture galleries, event calendars, maps etc.) to enhance customer/supplier engagement.





Creativity and Artistic Merit

These are discretionary additional marks to ensure student efforts that show creativity and artistic merit are rewarded. [5 marks]

For excellent performance, the design and contents of webpages are aesthetically appealing.




Report (30 Marks)


The introduction, which is expected to be a general overview of the report. A suggestion of no more than 200 words. [5 marks]

Include the link of your website in this section.



Business Outline

You need to provide a clear outline of business addressing the following:

·         The name of business and logo.    [1 marks]

·         Explain offered product(s)/service(s). [3 marks]

·         Position in marketplace: i.e. who are the main competitors [2 marks]

·         Why does your business need a digital presence? [2 marks]

·         What opportunity, problem, or issue is your website addressing? [2 marks]










Justification of Design

·         You need to clearly justly how your approach to the design and organization (architecture) of the website is reflecting the nature of business. [2 marks]

·         Content: The type of text, graphics, colour scheme and media needed for the website are clearly described. [2 marks]

·         Explain how principles of design have been incorporated into the design of website. [1 marks]







Improvements of Design

Evaluate the design and development of the website and propose two improvements that enhance or improve the functionality of the website to meet the current/future objectives of the business. [5 marks]

Given the number of people now owning smartphones is almost at full penetration, and the increasing use of mobile, one of the improvements should discuss how the digital presence of your business could be improved in the future to embrace the mobile opportunity.









Note: the proposed improvements should be functional improvements not

improvements of content/style etc.







Structure, Style and


Students should follow instructions in Task II: Report section and General Assessment Guidance of this document. [3 marks]

All the sections except References must be numbered. [1 mark]

All the figures/tables used in the report must have captions and, wherever needed, properly referenced and mentioned in the report. [1 mark]

For excellent performance, students should use Harvard referencing and clearly structure their paper, using report style titles, subtitles, numbered sections and subsections.

The language should be appropriate to the academic context and business communication.

Avoid personal language:

Academic writing is impersonal. You should NOT use words like I, my, me, myself etc.

There are three main ways of doing this:

use a passive rather than an active verb

use an impersonal phrase such as ‘it is believed’

make words such as the essay, this section etc. the subject of the sentence



















  Appendix A - General Grading Criteria 












Knowledge & Understandin g

a)  Systematic Understandin g








b)  Emerging Thought

(a)  Deep knowledge of the topic explicitly related to comprehensive knowledge of the discipline(s).


(b)  Excellent usage of recent emerging thought and/or practices from a range of appropriate disciplines.

(a)  Thorough, explicit knowledge & understandin g of the topic. Clear understandin g of and explicit links to some aspects of a wider field.



(b)  Some application of

(a) Very good knowledge and understandi ng of central topic issues explicitly identified. Some appreciatio n of and explicit links

to a wider

(a) Good, increasingl y explicit knowledge and understan ding of central topic issues. Some appreciatio n of a wider field.

(a)  Basic and often implicit knowledge of central topic issues. Partial understanding.



(b)  Some evidence of the understanding and thoughts and practices related to the discipline indicated.

(a)  Inadequate or poor knowledge or understanding of topic issues.



(b)  Not a clear or precise understanding of the thoughts and practices related to the required discipline indicated.

(a)  Very poor knowledge or understanding of topic issues.



(b)  Significant gaps in the understanding of the practices related to the discipline indicated




(b) Clear






(b) Some






thought or


of an






evidence of






from the


ng of













of thoughts








practices at






practices at








forefront of






forefront of





















a)  Analysis, Synthesis & Evaluation








b)  Numerical Analysis

(a)  High level of ability to analyse critically using a range of perspectives. Excellent synthesis of elements of the argument including contrary views.



(b)  Numeric analysis that is complete and free from errors with  application of

methods that

(a)  Can present a coherent critical argument demonstratin g the ability to synthesise concepts, theories and practice in a critical argument.


(b)  Numeric analysis that is complete and mostly free

(a)  Can present a coherent significant argument demonstrati ng the ability to form a defendable judgement. Some use of contrasting perspective s.


(b)  Numeric analysis that is complete

(a)  Can decisively analyse a limited range of information within minimum guidance. Can select analytical methods appropriate to the task


(b)  Numeric analysis that is complete and mostly free from

(a)  Some evidence of essential awareness but much reliance on description and some assumption.

May be some difficulty in balancing and substantiating points.


(b)  Numeric analysis that is mostly complete but contains errors with significant effect, or methods that are applied inappropriately.


(c)  Evidence of a consistent argument but may have weaknesses, significant gaps or be unconvincing. Clear use

(a)  Work is descriptive and uncritical. Contains generalisations, unsubstantiated assertion and exaggeration.


(b)  Numeric analysis that is incomplete or contains errors which have critical effect, or methods that are applied inappropriately

(a)  Work wholly descriptive and uncritical.

Contains many generalisations, unsubstantiated assertions and exaggeration.


(b)  Numeric analysis is almost non-existent and also incorrect










·     Argument ation







d) Independent Research

may be insightful or original






(c)  Extremely strong and consistent argument making a convincing whole with evidence of originality. Impressive ability in the use of information gathered to support the argument.


(d)  Evidence of an innovative or original use of extensive personal

from errors with fluent and appropriate application of methods.




(c) Extremely strong and consistent argument that convincingly addresses issues including uncertainties and conflicts. Excellent use of information gathered which to support and further the argument.



(d) Substantial research and evidence of an innovative use of a wide range of personal research with clear and consistent conceptual evaluation.

and mostly free from errors with relevant and effective application of methods.

(c)  Evidence of an argument that is generally convincing with a good internal consistency and addresses most issues. Very good use of information gathered to support the argument.



(d)  Clear evidence of considerabl e personal research and the use of a diverse range of appropriate sources but may contain problems with consistency in the conceptual


significant or critical errors with appropriate application of methods

(c) Evidence of an overall convincing argument but may have weaknesses, gaps or inconsistenc ies. Clear use of information gathered but may have some weaknesses in the integration into the argument.



(d) Appropriate use of a wide range of personal research which is critically evaluated for key conceptual issues although this may not be consistent


of information gathered but may not be sufficient to sustain the argument.



(d) Evidence of a consistent argument but may have weaknesses or be unconvincing. Clear use of information gathered but may not be sufficient to sustain.

(c) Lack of consistency or structure in the argument.




d) Over reliance on very restricted range of personal or secondary research much of which may not be evaluated and may not be directly related to the question.


c)  Totally lack of consistency or structure in the argument. Very serious weaknesses in the integration of evidence and no awareness of the limitations or weaknesses of the research.



d)  Generally, only a very restricted range of personal research which is not evaluated and is not directly related to the question.











a) Structure


b) Referencing



c) Use of Language

(a)  Excellent structure and presentation.


(b)  Precise, full and appropriate references and notes.


(c)  Subtle use of language expressing a high degree of thought with clarity and precision to a level appropriate for submission for publication.

(a)  Excellent structure and presentation.


(b)  Precise, full and appropriate references and notes.


(c)  Precise use of language expressing complex thought with clarity, accuracy and precision which furthers and enhances the argument.

(a)  Good structure and presentatio n.


(b)  Full and appropriate references and notes with minor or insignificant errors


(c)  Clear and precise use of language allowing a complex argument to be easily understood and


(a) Adequate structure and presentation



(b)  Good references and notes with minor or insignificant errors or omissions.


(c)  Generally clear use of language sufficient for arguments to be readily understood and followed.

(a)  Adequate structure and presentation.

(b)  Competent references and notes but may contain inconsistencies, errors or omissions.

(c)  Generally understandable use of language but significant errors in expression affecting overall clarity.

(a)  Poor structure and presentation.


(b)  Poor references and notes with multiple inconsistencies, errors or omissions


(c)  Serious errors in the use of language which makes meaning unclear          or imprecise.

(a)  Extremely poor structure and presentation


(b)  Very limited or nil referencing with numerous errors and omissions


(c)  Extreme errors in use of language and an extreme lack of clarity.



The assignment sample provided by Assignments Consultancy is a previously completed work for another student and contains plagiarism. It is being shared only as a reference or guideline to help you understand how to structure and approach your own assignment. We do not recommend submitting it directly as your own work. You are solely responsible for ensuring the originality and integrity of the assignment you submit, and we advise using this sample only as inspiration while adhering to your institution's academic policies.


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