SOLVED: ISY2006 – Object Oriented Programming


ISY2006 – Object Oriented Programming 

Online Payment- This system will give option to the customer for online payment for their bookings. Once the payment is accepted a confirmation email is sent to the customer with a Booking reference Number.

Better Knowledge- This system will provide customer all the details of the Function Room and the map of the room before they confirm their bookings. This will give an opportunity to the customer to prepare for the function and also confirm before-hand and hence getting a venue according to their requirements..

Reduce Paper Work- As most of the things will be performed online, it will reduce the usage of paper for the Club.

Improves Efficiency- This system will make things easier for staff as whole Booking system will go online and it will have maps and possible Virtual tours that will allow customers to be sure of what they are booking. Also booking System will check for availability of the room during the whole time required. This way the staff can spend more time attending to their customers who have current bookings with club.

Improved Customer Service: The Customer making booking over the new Online Booking System will need to Register themselves. The Customer will need to provide with various personal details like First name, Last name, Full Address, Email Address and Phone Number. The customers start earning loyalty points when they go forward with bookings.

The new System will now work in the following way:

1.      Customer will need to login/Register to make a new Booking.

2.      The Customer will provide the date, time and number of people they want to book a room for.

3.     The system will then only pick up the available rooms as per the Customer’s requirement.

4.      Customer can browse with the choices provided by the system.

5.      Customer can then select the one they may be interested and then proceed for payment.

6.      After successful payment they can either print or email the Booking confirmation for future



1.     Create a use case for a customer who would want to Book a Function Room for an event via the new Online Booking System.


2.     Create the Domain Model for the online Booking System.


3.     Create a System Sequence Diagram for Online Booking System.


4.     Create a class diagram for Online Booking System.



1.     You are required to submit a report on this case study that highlights what the case study is about and any two assumptions you have made for this system. (Please note: Any assumption you make for this system should be in line with the case study given and should not contradict the problem definition itself).

2.     The report should have all the artefacts mentioned in the Requirements section.


3.     The report must conclude with a small reflection section that reflects on what you learnt via this assignment and any challenges you had to work on this case study.




The assignment sample provided by Assignments Consultancy is a previously completed work for another student and contains plagiarism. It is being shared only as a reference or guideline to help you understand how to structure and approach your own assignment. We do not recommend submitting it directly as your own work. You are solely responsible for ensuring the originality and integrity of the assignment you submit, and we advise using this sample only as inspiration while adhering to your institution's academic policies.

The o nline room booking system is a website that allow s customers to booked rooms from the comfort of their homes or anywhere anytime. Customers can review rooms using maps and virtual tour details provided by the website, from these customers can select a room that pleases them. On booking , customer s will enter the date and time when the y want to use the function room and the number of people who will attend the function. The website will use this data to check which rooms are available and provide a list of available function room s . The c ustomer will select a room that satisfies him and clicks confirm to book. Customer s will have to pay a deposit of 10% which will be calculate d by the system depending on the number of ours the room will be in use. The r emaining amount will be paid on the booking day.

UML diagram used in this assignment helped the designer to understand how the system works by creating a visual representation of the system such as use case diagram, domain model diagram, class diagram , and sequence diagram . I learn ed that the customer u se case diagram lists all activities that customer s will be able to perform on the website while booking a function room and online booking system functionalities (Jacobson, Spence, and Kerr, 2016) . Customers should be able to register, login, search for a room, view room details, book and make payment. The c lass diagram lists all classes that the system will have and the relationships between classes . The c lass diagram contain s attributes for each class so during development developers will easily understand the system (Chong and Jun, 2017) . The c lass diagram is not only used for visualization but also in programming. Domain diagram is used to define objects that will be implemented during system development and multiplicity . A s equence diagram was used to explain how customers ' activities will follow each other in normal operation.


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